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How To Wear a Wig: Guide for Beginners in 5 Easy Steps

Whether you're exploring a new look, experiencing hair loss, or simply want a low-maintenance style, wigs can be a fun way to change up your appearance without a long-term commitment. However, putting on a wig for the first time can feel daunting if you don't know what you're doing. This comprehensive beginner wig guide breaks down the wig wearing process into 5 simple steps to help beginners feel confident rocking their new hair style. By the end, you'll be an expert on properly selecting, applying, and caring for wigs.


Step 1: Measure Your Head

The first step is ensuring you purchase a wig in the proper size for a comfortable fit. To determine your wig cap size, you'll need to take a few key measurements of your head using a flexible tape measure. Measure the circumference by wrapping the tape around your head just above the eyebrows. Note both the front-to-back measurement from hairline to nape and the ear-to-ear measurement across the widest part of your head. With these figures in hand, you can reference sizing charts to select a cap matching your dimensions. Getting the right size is crucial for a natural look without tugging or slipping.

Step 2: Choose Your Wig Type

Once you know your measurements, consider what type of wig fiber is right for your needs and climate. Synthetic wigs tend to be more affordable and durable against weather but limited in styling. Human hair wigs copy natural texture and often last longest, allowing heat styling, but require more maintenance. Combination wigs fall in the middle ground. Lace fronts add convincing realism near hairlines. Consider how and where you'll wear your wig when deciding between naturalness and hardiness.

Step 3: Prep Your Hair

To ensure your new wig sits smoothly, the hair underneath needs to lie flat. For shorter styles, use a lightweight gel or mousse to slick hair back, then pin it into place. Long hair takes well to braids wrapped around the head or a tight ponytail secured overhead. Cornrows also stay tidy beneath synthetic wigs. A hairnet can catch loose strands. Make sure everything is pinned securely before cap application.

Step 4: Apply the Wig Cap

Most wigs require donning a sheer linen or microfiber wig cap first for friction grip and comfort. Stretch the cap over your prepared hair starting at the nape, then work it up to the hairline. Use bobby pins if needed to flatten stubborn flyaways, taking care not grab real hair in the process. Check that the cap lays smoothly before reaching for your new tresses. A tight fit helps your wig pass as natural growth.

Step 5: Settle the Wig

Gently lift your wig from the manequin form, unfolding in sections over the cap. Start at the crown, working hair over front areas last. Experiment with part placement using adjustable combs if needed. Most experts recommend wig clips or spirit gum for beginners as the safest securing methods. Fully set clips or allow glue to dry thoroughly before posing or styling your new 'do for the first time. A wig elastic headband takes practice but stays comfortable all day.

With practice following these key steps, wearing your wig will feel intuitive in no time. The guidance allows beginners to ease into their new style with confidence. Perfect timing too, as the fall and winter seasons approach – wig wearing offers endless seasonal fashion without sacrificing comfort or versatility. Try different looks routinely without heat styling damage or chemicals. Best of all, let your imagination run wild through low-commitment seasonal self-expression. Enjoy your new hair freedom!

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