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How To Maintain A Brazilian Hair Weave

The Brazilian hair weave has become an increasingly popular style choice in recent years due to its ability to add volume, length and texture to one's natural hair. However, to maintain the health and longevity of your weave, it is crucial to properly care for and style it. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to correctly maintaining a Brazilian hair weave.

We will first describe what a Brazilian hair weave is and the different types available. Next, we will discuss washing, conditioning and detangling best practices. We will then cover drying techniques and offer styling tips. Factors like product selection will also be addressed. Readers will gain an understanding of daily, weekly and monthly maintenance routines. Examples will illustrate techniques. By the end, you'll have all the knowledge needed to care for your weave and make it last.


What is a Brazilian Hair Weave?

A Brazilian hair weave involves sewing bundles of Brazilian hair extensions onto a person's natural hair. Brazilian hair comes from donors in South America, mainly rural Brazil. Donors are paid for growing and donating healthy, untreated hair that meets quality standards. There are various weave styles to choose from based on hair texture including yaki straight, body wave, deep wave and loose wave. Color options range from black to light brown.

The highest quality hair comes from a single donor to maintain consistent color and texture throughout. This mink Brazilian hair is called virgin or remy hair, meaning it has not been chemically processed or color treated. It is untouched, thick and full in appearance and feel. While pricier, mink hair blends best as there are no discrepancies between bundles.

Washing Your Weave

To properly cleanse the weave, select sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoo and conditioner designed for extensions. Standard products containing sulfates can strip hair of its natural oils, leaving extensions dry and prone to damage over time. The award-winning Iles Formula range is a top choice, formulated without these harsh ingredients.

When washing, section the hair into four quadrants and work in small subsections. Massage shampoo gently into the scalp and woven areas. Be thorough without excessive scrubbing. Rinse completely then follow with conditioner, focusing on the mid-lengths and ends. Apply generously without coating the roots. Let conditioner sit three minutes before rinsing with cool water to seal the cuticle.

Detangling Your Weave

Detangling should only be done with wet or damp hair to prevent breakage. Start by spraying sections with a light mist of water. Work in small subsections and detangle from ends to roots using a wide-tooth comb or wet brush. Gently remove any knots instead of aggressively pulling through them. Detangling before washing further protects against damage caused by knots.

Proper Drying Techniques

How you dry the weave is just as important as washing and conditioning. Blow drying with heat can be damaging, so rely more on air drying when possible. To speed the process, use a diffuser attachment on a blow dryer or hooded dryer aimed on low, cool heat. Section hair into quadrants and micro-sections within for more focused drying.

For sewn-in styles, wrap sections around large velvet rollers or flexi rods overnight for beautiful waves and curls when dry. Clip extensions neatly away from the face while air drying to avoid frizz and maintain style. Always ensure complete drying before going to bed or heat styling to prevent mold growth.

Styling Techniques and Products

When styling a weave, choose heat protectant sprays or serums to shield the hair from damage. The Iles Formula Finishing Serum is a top choice for its anti-frizz, moisture sealing and UV protection qualities. Apply before blow drying, flat ironing or curling the hair. Limit heating tools as much as possible by air drying in rollers.

Skip heavy pomades, gels or hairsprays which can build up on extensions faster than natural hair. Look for lightweight formulations instead. Proper product selection paired with low to medium heat styling helps weaves last three months or longer with regular care.

Maintenance Schedule

To keep your weave looking its best, follow this maintenance schedule:

Detangle sections while conditioning in shower. Apply heat protectant before styling.

Shampoo and deep condition once per week. Style as desired.

Every 2 Weeks:
Lightly condition mid-lengths and ends as needed between washes. Refresh style.

Remove buildup with a clarifying shampoo. Examine roots for re-tightening. Trim ends as needed.

6-8 Weeks:
Consider having the entire weave re-tightened by a professional for a new, sleek look. Over time, strands may slip out slightly.

Proper long-term care will nourish your weave while protecting the health of your natural hair underneath. With minimal heat styling and use of the right products, your weave can last the entire three month period between salon visits.

Common Problems and Solutions

Itchy Scalp

An itchy, irritated scalp is often caused by buildup, product residue or moisture trapping under the weave. Clarify regularly with a gentle scrubbing motion. Consider changing shampoos if itchiness continues.

Tangles and Knots

Detangle sections in the shower regularly as a preventative measure. When brushing dry hair, start from the bottom and work upward slowly with a wide-tooth comb.


Use a moisturizing deep conditioner weekly and seal with a lightweight serum. Humidity can cause frizz – use a satin cap or bonnet while sleeping.

Slippage at Roots

Over time, the braids may loosen slightly where the hair meets the scalp. Have a professional tighten just the roots for a renewed sleek look without doing the full install again.

With diligent care, problem-solving and protective styling, you can prevent and remedy most common Brazilian weave issues to keep your style looking its best. Proper nutrition also supports hair and weave health from within.

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